Gori Standard 4 Blade Folding Propellers
The 4-blade Gori folding propeller has the same advantages, as the 3-blade Gori folding propeller with Overdrive. The 4-blade propeller has been developed for big sailing boats with engine over 150 hp.
Available in diameters from 23" and up to more than 31" for shaft installation.
4-blade folding propeller
Gori Propeller has proudly supported the global sailing industry by manufacturing low-drag folding propellers since 1975. In 2005, Gori celebrated three decades of design excellence and to mark the occasion has released a new 4-blade folding propeller to suit bigger yachts and larger engine applications.
The new Gori 4-blade propeller made its debut at the November Marine Equipment Trade Show (METS) in Amsterdam. METS is the premier European exhibition of equipment, materials, systems and services for the international leisure craft trade and industry. The new release Gori 4-blade propeller opens up entirely new levels of sailboat performance for larger yachts which, in the past, had been reserved for smaller vessels. Now it is possible for large sailboats and motorsailers to harness full-speed advantages under sail of a folding propeller whilst reaping the thrust capability of a 4-blade when motoring. Meeting an ever increasing demand for high performance folding propellers, Gori Propeller designed the new 4-blade prop in sizes from 22” through to 38” covering engine with power ratings up to 500 horse power.
One of the main advantages of the Gori folding propeller is the ability to adjust the profile and pitch of the blades while motoring resulting in an “overdrive”
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