Gori Standard 3 Blade Folding Propellers
The 3-blade Gori folding propeller marks a technological and functional leap forward in the development of propellers for sailboats. It is now possible for sailboats and motorsailers to gain the folding propeller's speed advantages under sail, combined with the fixed propeller's thrust capability when motoring. The 3-blade Gori folding propeller was introduced on the market in 1994 and won the DAME award and HISWA award the same year, as the best new marine product.
3-blade "Overdrive" function
The 3-blade Gori folding propeller's "overdrive" function adds a new dimension to sailing under power. The helmsman can choose the propeller pitch and profile in the water while sailing forward, by regulating the yacht's shift and throttle control. Without the use of vulnerable hydraulics or complicated mechanical devices.
The "overdrive" is used when motorsailing in fair weather or when using the engine under sail. The "overdrive" gives the same speed at lower RPMs. The result is less engine noise, less vibration and better fuel economy.
The function is simple. e.g. when changing from "overdrive" to normal ahead the shift and throttle control is set in neutral, which allows the propeller to fold. Then the shift and throttle control is set in forward again.
The propeller in itself adds a new dimension to sailing under power. Qualities that are unique to the 3-blade Gori folding propeller.
Full speed under sail
Folding propellers have been reserved for small and medium size sailboats with moderate engine power. They have been able to obtain under sail the extra speed the folding propeller allows by the minimising drag.
The 3-blade Gori folding propeller brings these advantages within the reach of larger sailboats and motorsailers. The extra speed under sail is substantial.
The design prevents seaweed etc. fouling on the propeller. A further potential for optimum speed.
Under sail, a fixed propeller slows a yacht much more than most people would imagine. Tests have shown in certain instances that the 2-blade Gori folding propeller reduces the yacht's total drag by 35%. This resulted in one full knot of improvement in speed under sail. A folding propeller as opposed to a feathering propeller is less likely to foul seaweed, lobster lines or plastic bags when sailing.
Effective for engines from 10 HP to 300 HP (7 KW - 221 KW)
The propeller revolution for larger sailboats and motorsailers is emphasized by the fact that the 3-blade Gori folding propeller can be used for boats fitted with engines from approximately 10 HP (7 KW) and up to approximately 300 HP (221 KW), and the power transfer is on the whole the same as for fixed 3-blade propellers. The design of the Gori propeller results in minimum noise and vibration, which is often a problem for other well-known types of feathering propellers.
The 3-blade Gori folding propeller is offered in diameters from 15" and up to 30".
Tests by major yachting magazines have shown that the 3-blade Gori folding propeller has a much better efficiency both forward (+11%) and reverse (+6,5%) than a feathering propeller.
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